Blair's Blog

Monday, September 19, 2005

I just finished watching "Sex Slaves"a documentary on CBC about European women who go abroad to find work to help their families. These women come from destitution and dispair and look for work as a cleaner, waitress, or other domestic, low paying job. Instead they find themselves sold into the sex trade with no hope for escape. The authorities in each country permit the pimps who bought them to operate, selling them to other pimps some of them being sold three, four upto thirteen times. They are found and deported home with STD's, psychological and physical trauma. Meanwhile, a guy growing a pot plant is chucked in jail for no less than 15 years. Does any of this make sense?

Friday, September 09, 2005

Harry Potter. I admit I LOVE the books. My children will be required to read them. They are all well written, artful and yes, even have a moral message (it's in there). I have been reading some of the hate mail on (don't sue me I love your site) and they are quite amusing though some are almost disturbing. One angry Christian said "What made you want to write about satanic things? What do you have against the Christians? Why are you making these books to try to turn everyone away from God? Why'd you make the Christians the bad people?..." (edited for poor punctuation). May I, a humble lady, enlighten the "Christians" (for the record I am one), first things first PLEASE, PLEASE read the book then pass judgement, this is called making an INFORMED opinion. The goal is to not look dumb in a public forum.

Next, there is NOTHING literal nor figurative which points to dislike for Christians within these books (I've read 1-6 and nada people!). "Satanic things" is a very broad term, which could also be used to describe the war in Iraq, poverty or other world evils, but I somehow think that these people accusing JKR of Satanic sympathies mean the magic and incantations. All I can say in that defence is that right after your parents told your there wasn't a Santa Claus they should have also thrown in 'and you can't materialize things out of thin air with incantations, that's magic and it doesn't work'. There I did it for you.

One last thing to clear up, satanism is NOT the same a witchcraft (or Wicca), it's totally different. Wiccans are pagan, meaning they don't believe in the same God or Devil that Christians do. This does not mean that they are hateful animal sacrificing, cackling loonies around a cauldron. Quite the opposite, they are a nature loving, caring, and welcoming following, most are actually Vegan (look it up). To learn more (which is a cure for ignorance) put down your torches and pitch forks and go to your local book store.

In summation, these books are FICTION (look it up) they are designed as an escape from the daily grind, school, work, satanic rituals (sorry I can't help myself) for all ages. In a world with Hurricane Katrina, wars, famine and GST why not a little pleasure in the form of a well written book. Harry Potter is destined to become a classic and his inventor, J.K Rowling, a literary icon.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Watching the news today, I heard that a woman in Hamilton, ON had suggested that the refugees from Katrina in New Orleans come to stay in Hamilton over the long term. The first thing I wondered was 'is the U.S that pressed for space?' Not to be inhospitable but do we want our resources strained? Can we afford for our resources to be strained? These people won't be able to work so who will support them? If they get sick who will pay for their health care? I work in health care so this is especially concerning to me. I doubt that this will happen but I have to wonder why we need to step in. Bush should forget about this pissing contest for oil, get his ass back to the Oval Office and come up with a Great American solution. After all they don't need our help-they're Americans.

This is me in London. I'm clowning around near the guard. My husband is behind the camera egging me on.
First post! I'm new to blogging so we'll see how I do. Enjoy!!