Blair's Blog

Saturday, October 08, 2005

[Pope Benedict XVI] writes, in probably reference to the reception of the Eucharist by pro-abortion politicians and others opposed to Catholic teachings, and the destruction of the ancient traditions of the Catholic liturgy. "How often is the holy sacrament of his Presence abused, how often must he enter empty and evil hearts! How often do we celebrate only ourselves, without even realizing that he is there!"
This has been in the news recently as Paul Martin is a devout Catholic who had been denied the Communion as he supports the Gay Marriage bill. Here, before I begin, I would like to say that I have read Leviticus and understand that it does condemn "...lying with mankind as one does womankind.."That said and disregarded, as I wholy question the accuracy of Biblical translation, I feel that while the Catholic church is trying to preserve its doctrines it has so long tried to hold on to, it is taking a step back to the pre-Reformation and as such may suffer the same if not worse consequence. In these spiritually derelict times when church attendance has reached historical lows and the overall observance of church festivals have been diluded, packaged and sold at the local Wal-Mart, the Catholic faith particularily cannot afford to alienate it's followers. I am not suggesting that the church alter it's teachings to suit the times, HOWEVER, to put a person who has political office and a public duty in the position to chose between their soul and spiritual private life and what is best for their people is doing the church and their followers a gross disservice. The people of this country are not all Catholic, and do not recognize the Pope as God's earthly servant, so why would they expect to be governed by someone who is driven to govern as the pope would? This harkens back to the days of Henry VIII who instead of accept the pope's ultimatum chose to break from Rome, and he had the title of "Defender of the Faith"!
Religion cannot dictate the conscience of one who has to make choices which are best for their people, as there are two sides to every person, one professional and one private. A doctor whose religion condemns artificial life support cannot deny a patient that option, and would have her licence stripped if she did, while at church or home she may preach against such or pray for delieverance.
The Catholic church needs to realize that the world is no longer separated into neat little countries with one religion each, Europe -Catholic, India- Hindu, Arabs-Moors etc. it is now inter mixed with many different faiths in one community, province, state and country. If they try to interfere in one percentage of the population what of the others? If the pope is truly anti-war then why not adopt toleration, compassion and comprehension for today's people? This is how wars begin.